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Friday, August 27, 2004

Sampler Platter

Don’t you hate when you’re having a conversation with a girl, and she asks you some veiled meaningful question, but you don’t figure out that it was a symbolic rather than a literal question until about a week later when you’re trying to figure out why she hasn’t returned any of your calls? And after that you’re trying to fix it, calling her, saying things like
“Wait, wait, I just meant I like the sampler platter at TgiFriday’s, because its got those potstickers and the southwestern egg rolls with the dipping sauce, but like, if we’re being symbolic, I like to find one dish and settle down with it, and never eat anyone, anything else!”
She: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And what’s with the egg rolls? American food isn’t good enough for you? You saying you want to sample some asian ho? Sample away, Sampler-Boy!” *click*


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